Cleaner Introducer Agreement



    Is made between Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd of 10Thicket Court, Thicket Road, SUTTON, SM1 4PZ (“The Supplier”)

    And (“The Cleaner”)

    1. Definitions

      “We” “Us” “The Agency” “Introducing Company” means Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, a limited company, registered in England and Wales under Companies House number 15265524, registered address, 10 Thicket Court 48 Thicket Road, Sutton, England, SM1 4PZ

      The “Client” means the person, (or firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated Agency as defined by the Companies Act 1985) to whom you are Introduced by Us, the Company and to whom “You” have agreed to supply cleaning services

      “You” means the person, (or firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated Agency as defined by the Companies Act 1985) under which You operate, perform and supply your self employed, contractual cleaning services

      “Cleaner” and “Cleaning Personnel” means “You” and any additional personnel You use to undertake cleaning services and as the beneficiary of any Introduction(s) “We” provide under this contract.

      “Cleaning Visit” means the visit to the address, where the service is to be performed by the Cleaner and/or Cleaning Personnel, in order to both carry out and complete the Service.

      “Agreement” means this agreement and in addition, the collateral agreement made between “Us” the company and the “Client” (annexed to this agreement as Appendix A)

      “Introduction” means the referral of a Client to the Cleaner, by Us, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the collateral Agreement annexed in Appendix A.

      “Website” means the Cleaning Gurus Website,

    2. Jurisdiction

      1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any English or Welsh court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute which may arise out of any provision of this agreement.

    3. Parties

      1. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd acts as Introducer between You the provider of cleaning services under this contract and the Client, the person or other legal entity, seeking and requiring cleaning services from cleaning personnel at or within their own residential and/or commercial premises.

      2. We act as an as Introducer for You, to those Clients seeking cleaning services.

      3. In entering into this agreement, you specifically authorise and expressly agree for Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd to enter into contracts with Clients, acting as your appointed Agent and Agency, engaged on your behalf, for the purposes of securing you a formal Introduction to the Client, to both provide and supply one-off or ongoing cleaning services.

    4. General

      1. In this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

        1. words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa. Words denoting any gender include all genders and words denoting persons shall include firms and corporations and vice versa.

        2. reference to any clause, sub-clause or schedule is to a clause, sub- clause or schedule of or to this Agreement.

        3. the headings in this document are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

      2. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unreasonable, invalid or unlawful under any enactment or rule of law the Court shall have the power to strike out or override that part whether it be an entire clause or clauses or some part or parts thereof and enforce this Agreement as if the offending part or parts had not been included.

      3. Nothing in this Agreement shall give, directly or indirectly, any third party any enforceable benefit or any right of action against Distilled and such third parties shall not be entitled to enforce any term of this Agreement against Distilled.

      4. Neither party may assign the benefit of all or part of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.

      5. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Other than as expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement neither party shall be under any liability for any representations made prior to or during the operation of this Agreement.

      6. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

    5. Scope and Basis of Agreement

      1. During the term of this Agreement, Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, may, in its absolute discretion, make an Introduction of a Client to You.

      2. Any Introduction made is on the absolute conditions that you are eligible to work in the United Kingdom and that you do so, on a self employed basis. You confirm and agree that You will act in good faith, maintain the highest levels of integrity and honesty and will exercise due skill, care and attention in the performance of the your obligations to any Introduced Client under this Agreement and the collateral agreement annexed to Appendix A.

      3. You also confirm and agree that you remain both willing and able to use reasonable endeavours, to satisfy the needs of any Client so referred under the terms and scope of this Agreement and agree not to do any act or anything to the Client, which would likely adversely affect, the name and/or reputation of Us the Introducing Company.

      4. You confirm and agree to deal with the Client promptly, answer any queries in a responsive and professional manner and service the needs of the Client to the best of your abilities.

      5. You agree and confirm that you are of suitable character and are willing when requested, to provide recent employment and character references.

      6. You agree and confirm that you have no criminal convictions and can be entrusted to enter other people’s property, for the purpose of performing tasks as requested by the Client.

      7. You agree and confirm that Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is authorised by the introduced Cleaning Personnel, to enter into contracts with You, for this purpose, on their behalf.

      8. Nothing in this Agreement shall be taken as giving You, the Cleaner, authority to act for or on behalf of Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd or to bind us legally in any way.

      9. You acknowledge that no employment relationship is created or implied by this Agreement or any collateral Agreement and that You, the Cleaner, are not employed by Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, nor will you hold yourself out as ever being employed by Us.

      10. You acknowledge that no legal partnership is created or implied by this Agreement and that You, the Cleaner, are not in any way in a legal partnership with Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd and vice-versa, nor will you hold yourself out as ever being in a legal partnership with Us.

    6. Compliance with Legislation

      1. During the term of this Agreement You, the Cleaner, agree to comply with all applicable criminal and civil laws and/or regulations relevant to the conduct of your obligations under this Agreement.

      2. During the term of this Agreement You, the Cleaner, will be fully responsible and liable for any and all services provided to the Client under this Agreement insofar as such responsibility relates to the cleaning services provided by You, the individual Cleaner and not the Introduction services, provided by Us, Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd.

      3. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd will not be responsible, nor liable for any services or actions undertaken by the Cleaner to the Client, save in the event that such services or actions are covered by the Company’s group insurance policy.

    7. Confidentiality

      1. The Cleaner agrees to keep confidential any and all Confidential Information that it may acquire in relation to the business or affairs of Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd or any Introduced Client. The Cleaner agrees not to use Confidential Information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

      2. The obligations of the Cleaner shall not apply to any Confidential Information which:

        1. is publicly available or becomes publicly available through no act or omission of the Cleaner; or

        2. the Cleaner is required to disclose by order of a court of competent jurisdiction or any Government body.

    8. General

      1. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is responsible for the introduction of You as a Cleaner, capable of performing cleaning tasks who are legally eligible to work here in the United Kingdom. You agree that you are so eligible and confirm that prior to any Client Introduction, you have provided either original or certified copies of your eligibility, proof of identity and residence to Us.

      2. You agree to authorise Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, to enter into cleaning contracts with Introduced Clients for You, and on your behalf.

      3. On acceptance of an Introduced Client, and upon Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd confirming the introduction of a client to you, a contract will come into existence. This contract is between You, the Cleaner as the contractor of cleaning services and the Client, the customer of such services, on the terms set out herein.

      4. The contract for cleaning services is not between Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd and You or Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd and the Client. It is a contract directly between You and the Client, which both parties have authorised Us, as the Introducer to enter on your behalf. All rights, responsibilities and liability for the provision of services required under this contract, rest solely between You, the Cleaner, and the Client under this Agreement.

      5. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is responsible for receiving Your booking and introducing you to suitable Cleaning Personnel. Where Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd has breached this duty, Cleaning Gurus accepts liability for reasonably foreseeable loss or damage suffered as a result.

    9. Regular Cleaning and One-Off Domestic Cleaning

      1. You are responsible for attending the service address and undertaking the cleaning services required. The Client will provide all appropriate cleaning materials and equipment in full working order, allowing you to do so.

      2. You are required to ensure that the quality of the cleaning work upon completion is of a high, professional standard and has been carried out, in accordance with the Client’s instructions and/ or booking.

      3. In the event that the Client is not satisfied with the standard of work and advises Agency of disappointment, within 48 hours of the completion of the service, you agree to re-attend and make good the standard of service, at no further charge.

      4. You agree to help Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, resolve any issues raised by a Client, howsoever, the issue may arise. In the event of a report made to any third party organization, including Local Authority and/or the Police, you agree to fully co-operate with both Us and the client to resolve the matters satisfactorily and professionally.

      5. In the event, you are provided with keys by the Client, it is your responsibility to immediately return such keys at the termination of any booking.

      6. You accept that you are personally responsible for keys return and/or anything related to including but not limited to the loss of keys, damage to locks.

      7. It is your responsibility to manage handovers of the keys with clients at all times, including if you or the Client are to be on holiday or you are not able to attend.

    10. Carpet Cleaning

      1. You agree to supply all detergents and equipment and ensure that all reasonable endeavours are used, to remove all stains.

    11. Oven Cleaning

      1. You agree to supply all detergents and equipment and that the inside of the oven will be deep cleaned using non-caustic products. The glass will be pre-cleaned with care. The oven door will be removed before cleaning to ensure a professional finish.

      2. In the event that cleaning of the hob and extractor should be additionally requested, you agree to undertake this service.

    12. After Builders Cleaning

      1. You agree to supply all detergents, equipment. The number of Cleaning personnel required to be in attendance, will be agreed with You, in advance of the cleaning visit.

      2. You agree that any rubbish / small debris left over from building work will be removed.

      3. You agree that all floors and carpets will be professionally cleaned to remove dust, dirt and markings left by paint or plaster.

      4. You agree that all windows, sills and window frames will be professionally cleaned.

      5. You agree that all skirting boards, wainscoting, doors, doorframes, fixtures and fittings will be deep cleaned.

      6. You agree that all rooms (including bathrooms and toilets) will be deep cleaned and descaled as appropriate, including cleaning of shelves and cupboards, inside and out.

    13. End of Tenancy Cleaning

      1. You agree to supply all detergents, equipment and an appropriate number of Cleaners, we have agreed with You.

      2. You agree to professional clean of all the rooms, including surfaces, cupboards, tops of cupboards, inside cupboards, skirting boards, shelves, drawers, doors, doorframes and window frames.

      3. You agree that all floors and carpets will be professionally cleaned.

      4. You agree that all rooms (including bathrooms and toilets) will be deep cleaned and descaled as appropriate, including cleaning of shelves and cupboards.

      5. You confirm and agree that for End of Tenancy Cleaning, After Builders Cleaning and Spring Cleaning services, the actual price will depend on the size and the state of the property, as determined solely by Us and agreed in advance, with You.

    14. Payment of Charges and Commissions

      1. The Client will pay for all charges for a residential cleaning visit to You, the Cleaner directly on the day of service or by bank transfer to You, if that has been agreed by the Agency, with both You and the Client, in writing.

      2. Where an Introduction is made by Us, You the Cleaner, agree to pay Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, a sum of between £4.00 (Four Pounds Sterling) and £5.00 (Five Pounds Sterling) by way of a commission, for each standard hourly rate charged to the Client. The exact sum, or any other such sum, to be agreed with you in advance, once the exact pricing for the individual client, has been determined.

      3. You, the Cleaner agree to pay such amounts to Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd within 4 days of receipt of an invoice requesting payment, from us. In the event of default, subject to our discretion, such late payments will result in a late penalty charge of £10. ( Ten Pounds Sterling)

      4. In addition to the above charges, You, the Cleaner agree to pay Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, a payment of £10 per month or such other amount as will be agreed with you in writing, for the administration of this and all other Introduction agreements for which You, the Cleaner receive clients introduced by Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd

      5. You, the Cleaner agree to pay the monthly administration fee on the 1st of each month. In the event of default, subject to our discretion, such late payments will result in a late penalty charge of £10. (Ten Pounds Sterling)

    15. Replacement Due to Sickness or Unavailability

      1. If You are unable to perform the cleaning service agreed with the Client, due to sickness you must immediately notify Cleaning Guru Agency Ltd.

      2. If You are unable to perform the cleaning service agreed with the Client, due to you unavailability (for example due to holidays or planned events) you must notify Cleaning Guru Agency Ltd at least 14 (Fourteen) days in advance of your unavailability.

    16. Changes to Agreed Terms

      1. You agree never to enter into any financial or private arrangements with the Client other than those agreed by the Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd. You agree that any requests made by the Client to You, for additional services or hours will be arranged through and agreed by Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd. In the event of breach of this clause, you agree to compensate Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd within 24 hours of all sums due under the Agreement. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination of this Agreement.

      2. Any contractual terms and conditions which seek to vary, or have the effect of a variation of these contractual terms will be deemed null and void and unenforceable.

      3. You may not rely on any promises or claims written or verbally made by Us to the extent that they purport to bind Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd to any additional or supplementary terms and conditions of both this Agreement and the collateral agreement attached at Appendix A.

    17. Complaints and Claims

      1. You the Cleaner, agree that in the event of a Complaint or Claim you will allow us to investigate the event and to assist us resolve any issue as far as is reasonably possible. You will deal with this complaint and claim appropriately and will liaise with Us as a Company to ensure that we are not adversely affected.

    18. Termination

      1. Either party may terminate this Agreement on giving 14 (Fourteen) days written notice to the other.

      2. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason:

        1. the relevant provisions of this Agreement shall continue with full force and effect;

        2. subject as provided in this clause, except in respect of any accrued rights, neither party shall be under any further obligation to the other.

      3. If this Agreement terminates for any reason, Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd will remain entitled to any amount due, or which may become due to Us in accordance with Clause 14 of this Agreement and You agree to continue to make such payments as they may fall due, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement.

    19. No Solicitation

      1. Since during the course of this Agreement the Cleaner is likely to obtain confidential information and personal knowledge of the Introducing Company and will receive details of an Introduced Client, deemed commercially valuable, the Cleaner agrees that:

        1. You will not, during the term of this Agreement and during a period of 12 months thereafter, approach, solicit, make any marketing initiatives or provide any information to or sell any product or service to an Introduced Client, other than as requested by the Introducing Company in connection with a Referral.

        2. You will not, during the term of this Agreement and during a period of 12 months thereafter, procure or encourage any third party to solicit, make any marketing initiatives or provide any information to or sell any product or service to an Introduced Client, other than as requested by the Introducing Company in connection with a Referral.

        3. You will not directly or indirectly attempt to persuade or induce a Client to cancel, surrender or terminate any cleaning service initially introduced by or arranged through Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd.

        4. You will not accept any referral from a Client of any family, friends acquaintances or any business, with the intention of providing additional cleaning services to such referrals, without such referral being notified to the Agency and first securing authorisation, permission and agreement on commissions chargeable, by the Company and payable by You, the Cleaner, for the additional source of business.

      2. Following the termination of this Agreement the Cleaner will not represent itself as being in any way connected with the business of Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, (except to the extent previously agreed in writing).

    20. Additional

      1. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unreasonable, invalid or unlawful under any enactment or rule of law the Court shall have the power to strike out or override that part whether it be an entire clause or clauses or some part or parts thereof and enforce this Agreement as if the offending part or parts had not been included.

      2. Nothing in this Agreement shall give, directly or indirectly, any third party any enforceable benefit or any right of action against Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd and such third parties shall not be entitled to enforce any term of this Agreement against Us.

      3. Neither party may assign the benefit of all or part of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.

      4. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Other than as expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement neither party shall be under any liability for any oral representations made prior to or during the operation of this Agreement.

      5. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.


    (Collateral Terms)

    Agency Introducer Agreement

    Terms and Conditions of Service

    1. Definitions

      “We” “Us” “The Agency” means Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, a limited company, registered in England and Wales under Companies House number 15265524, registered address, 10 Thicket Court 48 Thicket Road, Sutton, England, SM1 4PZ

      “You” means the person, (or firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated Agency as defined by the Companies Act 1985) to whom the cleaning services are supplied by the Cleaner.

      “Cleaner” and “Cleaning Personnel” means the provider of cleaning services under this contract.

      “Cleaning Visit” means the visit to the address, where the service is to be performed by the Cleaner and/or Cleaning Personnel, in order to both carry out and complete the Service.

      “Website” means the Cleaning Gurus Website,

    2. General

      1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any English or Welsh court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute which may arise out of any provision of this agreement.

      2. If any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision. The parties agree, that in any event, the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect.

    3. Parties

      1. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd acts as Introducer between You, the person to whom the cleaning services are supplied and the Cleaner and/or Cleaning Personnel, the provider of cleaning services under this contract.

      2. We act as an as intermediary for You, in seeking cleaning services and will introduce you to Cleaners registered with Us.

      3. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is responsible for the introduction of suitable Cleaners, capable of performing the tasks as stipulated on your booking and for ensuring the Cleaners are legally eligible to work. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is authorised by the introduced Cleaning Personnel, to enter into contracts with You, for this purpose, on their behalf.

      4. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd will process your request and introduce You requests to a suitable Cleaner, registered with us.

      5. When booking a cleaning service, You are obliged to provide details of name, address, telephone, email and payment details. When the cleaning service is booked, You are deemed to accept these Terms and Conditions unless You or Us, have stated otherwise in writing.

      6. By booking any of the services offered by Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, either through our website’s booking form, e-mail, or telephone phone, You agree to be bound to these Terms and Conditions. Any part of these Terms and Conditions may be changed from time to time and notice of the current Terms and Conditions will appear as published on our website.

      7. You are advised to read our full Terms and Conditions, before entering into this agreement. By proceeding with your booking, you are deemed to accept these standard terms and conditions in full.

      8. On acceptance of your booking and upon Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd confirming the introduction of a suitable Cleaner to you, a contract will come into existence. This contract is between You, the contractor of cleaning services and the Cleaner, the provider of such services, on the terms set out herein. The contract is not between You and Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd and all rights, responsibilities and liability for the provision of services required under this contract, rest solely between You and the Cleaner, the parties to this Agreement.

      9. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is responsible for receiving Your booking and introducing you to suitable Cleaning Personnel. Where Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd has breached this duty, Cleaning Gurus accepts liability for reasonably foreseeable loss or damage suffered as a result.

    4. Responsibilities

      1. The Agency aims to provide reliable, trustworthy and efficient Cleaners who perform the work specified by You in a professional manner.

      2. You must allow the Cleaner access to the service address, hot water and power. If the Cleaner arrives at the service address and is unable to access the property and/or there is no hot water and power to enable cleaning, You will be liable for the full cost of the cleaning visit. All fragile and breakable items should be secured or removed.

    5. Regular Cleaning

      1. You are responsible for supplying all appropriate cleaning materials and equipment in full working order in addition to making arrangements for access to the service address.

      2. You are responsible for instructing the Cleaner on safe use of any equipment.

      3. You are required to check the quality of the cleaning work immediately after completion. In the event that You are not satisfied with the standard of work, You should contact the Agency within 48 hours of the completion of the service. Unless good reason is given for late notification, the Agency will not consider any complaints made after the period of 48 hours has elapsed.

      4. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is not responsible or liable for the actual services provided by the Cleaner. Notwithstanding this, Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd agrees to help resolve any issues as far as possible.

      5. In the event, you give keys to the Cleaner, Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd will not take any responsibility for loss of keys, locks damages, keys return and/or anything related to. It is the responsibility of both You and the Cleaner to manage handovers of the keys if the Cleaner is on holiday/not able to attend.

    6. Carpet Cleaning

      1. There will be a minimum charge of £100 for this service. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd will not be responsible for failing to remove old stains that cannot be removed during normal carpet cleaning methods.

      2. The Agency will ensure that the Cleaner uses appropriate equipment and detergents and ensure that all reasonable endeavours are used, to remove stains.

    7. Oven Cleaning

      1. The Cleaner will supply detergents and equipment. The inside of the oven will be deep cleaned using non-caustic products. The glass will be pre-cleaned with care. The oven door will be removed before cleaning to ensure a professional finish.

      2. Cleaning of the hob and extractor should be additionally requested, if this is required.

    8. After Builders Cleaning

      1. The Cleaner will supply detergents, equipment and an appropriate number of additional Cleaners. The number of Cleaners in attendance as well as details of the service, will be communicated to You by way of a full quotation, that you will receive in writing.

      2. Any rubbish / small debris left over from building work will be removed.

      3. All floors and carpets will be professionally cleaned to remove dust, dirt and markings left by paint or plaster.

      4. All windows, sills and window frames will be professionally cleaned.

      5. All skirting boards, wainscoting, doors, doorframes, fixtures and fittings will be deep cleaned.

      6. All rooms (including bathrooms and toilets) will be deep cleaned and descaled as appropriate, including cleaning of shelves and cupboards, inside and out.

    9. End of Tenancy Cleaning

      1. The Cleaner will supply detergents, equipment and an appropriate number of Cleaners in attendance as well as details of the service will be communicated to You by way of a full quotation, that you will receive in writing.

      2. Professional cleaning of all the rooms, including surfaces, cupboards, tops of cupboards, inside cupboards, skirting boards, shelves, drawers, doors, doorframes and window frames.

      3. All floors and carpets will be professionally cleaned.

      4. All rooms (including bathrooms and toilets) will be deep cleaned and descaled as appropriate, including cleaning of shelves and cupboards.

      5. You confirm and agree that for End of Tenancy Cleaning, After Builders Cleaning and Spring Cleaning services, the actual price will depend on the size and the state of the property.

      6. The hours are given as an approximate for guidance purposes only. For above mentioned services the charge is not per hour.

    10. Payment of Charges

      1. The charges for the cleaning visit are to be paid to the Cleaner directly on the day of service or by bank transfer to the Cleaner if agreed by the Agency in writing.

      2. Any accounts in arrears due to cheques being returned or insufficient funds being available to complete a standing order will be subject to a £20 administration fee in addition to the outstanding balance.

    11. Replacement

      1. If the Cleaner is unable to perform the cleaning service due to sickness or holidays, and if You wish a replacement Cleaner to attend, Cleaning Guru Agency Ltd will use all reasonable endeavours, to provide, a replacement Cleaner within two working days, of being notified of this requirement.

      2. In some circumstances, will be unable to provide a guarantee of the same, if operationally, to do so, would be outside our control.

    12. Changes to Agreed Terms

      1. You agree never to enter into any financial or private arrangements with the Cleaner other than those agreed by the Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd. Any requests for additional services or hours must be arranged and agreed by Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd.

      2. Any contractual terms and conditions which seek to vary, or have the effect of a variation of these contractual terms by You and/or the Cleaner, will be deemed null and void and unenforceable.

      3. You may not rely on any promises or claims written or verbally made by a Cleaner to the extent that they purport to bind Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd to any additional or supplementary terms and conditions of this Agreement.

      4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by a director of the Agency, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any other terms of business or purchase conditions put forward by either You and/or the Cleaner.

      5. You also agree not to refer any Cleaner introduced by Cleaning Guru Agency Ltd to any family, friends or acquaintances with the intention of providing further work for the Cleaner without the referral coming through the Agency and securing authorisation and permission.

    13. Cancellation

      1. You may cancel / reschedule a cleaning visit by giving at least 24 hours notice by telephone and confirming in writing (email is acceptable). In the event of failure to provide the appropriate notice, you confirm and agree to pay the charges equivalent to the hourly rate agreed (1 hour) or equivalent to the initial payment to secure the booking.

      2. In the event, You wish to stop the service permanently, one week’s notice is required in writing. If You fail to do this, a cancellation fee of £60 will be charged. Notice can only be given on weekdays between 9am and 5pm or on Saturdays between 9am and 4pm. Any notice given on Sundays will not be accepted.

      3. If You cancel the service permanently and require keys to be returned, £10 excl. VAT will be charged to cover the cost of Special Delivery post directly by the Cleaner.

      4. It is Your responsibility to cancel any Standing Order. Non-cancelled Standing Orders will be subject to a £20 administration fee, in the event they need to be refunded.

    14. Continuation following Cancellation

      1. By entering into a service agreement with Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, You agree that after the termination of the cleaning service he/she will not hire or use services provided by a present or past Cleaner introduced to You by the Agency for a period of 12 months.

      2. In the event You employ and/or contract for the services of a Cleaner, initially booked through, Cleaning Gurus Agency, regardless as to whether this is temporary, permanent, or on a pay-as-you-go basis, without permission in writing from Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd.

      3. You agree to pay the Agency, within 7 days, from any event, under 14.2, an amount of £1,000, (One Thousand Pounds) in lieu of all and any the referral fees, that should have been payable.

      4. You confirm and agree that such fee to Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, is reasonable, in order to cover loss of earnings, business goodwill, recruitment and training costs, incurred by the Agency.

    15. Complaints and Claims

      1. The Agency is not responsible or liable for the services received from the Cleaners, but if You encounter a problem or the Service falls short of Your expectations, we will, at our discretion, do our best to resolve the issue. As appropriate, Cleaning Guru Agency Ltd will use its best endeavours to rearrange the Service or issue a refund, credit note or completion of the job to Your satisfaction.

      2. In the event of a complaint being upheld, You will allow the Agency to send a Cleaner back to Your property to complete the work to Your satisfaction. The Agency will not usually refund any payment to You in lieu of the Cleaner being permitted to return to the property to complete the job.

      3. The services booked by You are the responsibility of the Cleaner who provides them. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is not responsible or liable for the services provided by the Cleaner. Notwithstanding this Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd agrees to help resolve any issues as far as possible. The Complaints and Claims policy set out below applies to all the Services detailed in these Terms and Conditions.

      4. You accept and understand that poor service, breakages/damage and / or theft must be reported within 24 hours from the service date.

      5. In the event, You are dissatisfied with the service provided by a particular Cleaner, You may request that Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd, allocate a new Cleaner.

      6. The Agency is not liable for any damage howsoever caused, and any claim for loss or damage, should be made against the Cleaner’s insurance in the first instance.

      7. Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd is responsible for providing Cleaners who are capable of performing the task at hand and who are legally eligible to work. Where Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd has been negligent and/or breached this obligation, the Agency will be liable for such reasonable loss or damage suffered as a result.

      8. The Agency’s liability is limited to the extent that it expressly will not accept any losses howsoever arising, which may relate to either

        1. Your business, or

        2. To any loss of personal opportunity, be it financial or otherwise, even if such losses were reasonably foreseeable.

      9. These losses may include, but are not limited to, loss of any business or personal income or revenue; loss of business or loss of an opportunity; loss of profits; loss of anticipated savings; loss of data; loss of management time or personal time.

      10. Notwithstanding, any of the stated provisions, in the event that any liability is attributed to Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd arising from or in connection with these terms, whether arising on contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, such sum, shall not exceed £5,000 (Five Thousand Pounds).

      11. Both parties accept that the limitations and exclusions set out in this Agreement are reasonable having regard to all the circumstances.

    16. General Provisions

      1. If any part of this Agreement is found to be unreasonable, invalid or unlawful under any enactment or rule of law the Court shall have the power to strike out or override that part whether it be an entire clause or clauses or some part or parts thereof and enforce this Agreement as if the offending part or parts had not been included.

      2. Nothing in this Agreement shall give, directly or indirectly, any third party any enforceable benefit or any right of action against Distilled and such third parties shall not be entitled to enforce any term of this Agreement against Distilled.

      3. Neither party may assign the benefit of all or part of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.

      4. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Other than as expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement neither party shall be under any liability for any representations made prior to or during the operation of this Agreement.

      5. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

      6. In accepting to use our services, you agree to be fully bound by our terms and conditions.

    On behalf of Cleaning Gurus Agency Ltd


    The Cleaner:

    Full name:


